Entrepreneurial Fund focused on acquiring small to medium-sized businesses in North America


Our Approach

Karma Search Capital Partners is actively seeking to acquire small to medium-sized businesses with the intention of integrating with your existing management team and operating them for the long term. Our efforts are bolstered by the support of accomplished entrepreneurs and world-class investors who possess extensive experience in investing in, nurturing, and running successful companies.

If you are a business owner who is considering life beyond your company, it is crucial to have a reliable partner who can safeguard what you have built. At Karma Search Capital Partners, we are dedicated to offering a smooth and seamless transition for owners in search of a succession plan. Our primary focus is on fostering growth while ensuring the uninterrupted progress of your employees, customers, stakeholders, and the brand you have diligently cultivated.

Why Us

What sets us apart is our unique approach, unlike conventional private equity buyers, we are committed to long-term opportunities. Our objective is to safeguard and enhance your company's reputation while simultaneously providing growth avenues for both the business itself and its dedicated employees.

We care

Our primary goal is to honor and protect what you have worked hard to build. We will surround ourselves with the existing team, and we will not interfere with what already works.

Flexible Terms

Together we create a plan that will allow you to achieve your goals; whether you desire to stay involved in the company or make a complete exit, we will create a succession plan that works for you. We possess ready-to-deploy, committed capital and a team with the experience and flexibility to create a structure that suits your specific needs and transition goals.


You can trust us to be honest and transparent, creating a partnership to negotiate the fairest deal possible for all involved.


Growth is an inherent part of our strategy, but it doesn’t occur overnight. Our investment philosophy is predicated on taking a long-term operational and financial outlook.

Investment Criteria

KSCP is actively seeking to invest in family business with sustainable competitive positions and identifiable growth opportunities.


  • $5M - $60M in annual revenue
  • $2M or greater EBITDA
  • 10% or greater EBITDA margin
  • History of profitability and growth


  • Sizable and growing industry
  • Fragmented competitive landscape
  • Stable regulatory environment


  • Trajectory of growth
  • Recurring or reoccurring revenue
  • Low capital intensity
  • Clear competitive advantage
  • Located in North America

Investment Process

How Does it Work?

Preliminary Analysis
1 - 2 weeks

Financial analysis of the company and evaluation of the industry

Letter of Intent
1 - 2 weeks

Initial valuation of the company and negotiation of general terms of the transaction

Due Diligence
6 - 18 weeks

In-depth analysis of financial, legal, environmental, fiscal, and commercial aspects of the business

1 - 2 weeks

Negotiation of the closing price and details of the purchase-sale contract

2 - 4 weeks

Investor approval, signing of legal documents, and transfer of funds

Meet the Team

Gaurav Anand
Founder & Managing Partner

Gaurav's passion for entrepreneurship,business growth, and value creation led him to establish KSCP. With over 10 years of experience in banking and private equity, Gaurav has cultivated a deep understanding of various industries, successfully completing transactions with a cumulative value exceeding US$1 billion.

Gaurav's expertise extends to actively engaging with portfolio companies in hands-on, execution-focused roles. He firmly believes in the power of data-driven decision making and disciplined execution. His relentless curiosity drives him to unravel the strategic and capital allocation decisions that enable companies to achieve exceptional performance.

As a leader, Gaurav places a strong emphasis on people, valuing their contributions and growth. He is committed to lifelong learning and continuously seeks opportunities for personal and professional development. Gaurav holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree and is a CFA charterholder, further underscoring his dedication to excellence in the field.

Institutional Investors

High Net Worth Individuals

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